Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops - online training

Outstanding reviews from real students! “I like your style!  I have been in way too many boring classes… It's refreshing to try something new!” – Qaz Ingham, trainer “The quality is fantastic! Really good: confident, professional, calm.” – Mark Truman, founder of Omniac Education “I'm in! – John Lore, teacher Trainings Rule. If your organization skimps on trainings, you're missing an opportunity to empower and retain your valuable people. Trainings are an easy and dynamic way of focusing people and sharing valuable experience.  They can mean the difference between a merely competent worker and a dedicated powerhouse who drives growth. No more Death by Powerpoint.  Unfortunately, many organizations settle for tedious lectures and slides during their orientations, killing a new hire's momentum and turning them off before they even start work. Keep those awesome people!  You work hard to find the best new talent and passionate people to join your organization.  Why put them to sleep on the first day with boring trainings and tedious orientations?   Train them the “WOW” way.  As dynamic and powerful as trainings can be, bad trainings can be just as effective – in a totally negative way – giving your hard-won new employees a lackluster attitude toward your mission. Rather than orienting them with poor quality training, you're probably better off not training them at all. “It's the opposite approach to the useless, time wasting, infuriating trainings I've had to endure. With your approach I think people would actually want to have training and it would actually *gasp* train people” -Nancy Gough, online tutor “An excellent course about becoming a successful teacher… I highly recommend this course!” – Laurel Lampella, professor of education at UNM Win on Day One.  Now your company can deliver the high-energy kickstart that new hires crave on their first day, and you don't need to spend $10K in order to have a professional trainer. Are you ready for this? You can start enjoying the benefits of exciting, engaging orientation workshops now with the help of this awesome video series that teaches you everything you need to know. Start right away.  Unlike other courses, this course is quick, complete, and to the point.  Other courses boost their price by shoveling endless hours of videos and complexity at you.  Instead, this course gives you exactly the info you need to complete the course, right on time, with no filler.  We figure you're paying to get things done, not sit and watch!  This course is lean for high performance at record speed.  Start learning with us today to save time instead of wasting it!  Get the outcomes you want right away! Read what our clients have to say: “See Yourself Teaching helped us develop and enhance our new volunteer training program. Now we have volunteers doing great work to make a difference in our community.” -Robert Nelson, program director “When I talk about curriculum to people, I speak highly to people about See Yourself Teaching. You do an amazing job!” -Farra Fong, deputy director You can get these results too.  Sign up and start today! – >> Click for More details…

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