How To Take Better Photographs - online training

Years ago BEFORE I was a professional photographer, I thought that I took nice pictures. I had a great camera and big heavy expensive lens and a good eye for art, but I was a TERRIBLE photographer. This was in film days where you had to wait to see your pictures developed before you realized that you missed the boat completely! As a professional photographer for the past eight years, I have studied under some of the best lighting and posing experts in the world and I would like to bring you some attainable, easy tips that will ensure that you get great photographs of your family, friends and trips. In this “Photography for Beginners: How to Take Good Photos” course I will also teach you how to create digital scrapbook pages in Photoshop and the importance of printing your photographs to preserve them for future generations. Take this Photography for Beginners course and learn how to take good photos.</p> >> More details…

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