How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life - online training

How to become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own life. Our Universe is run by Universal Laws. These laws are as real as the laws of physics. Once you know how these laws work you will know “The rules to the Game of Life”. Most people are ignorent of these laws and as such they are unconscious creators of their own reality. This course will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. Anything is possible once you know these laws.  1. This course will show you how the Universe is set up and how The 12 Universal Laws work. You will be given actions steps you need to take for each law helping you become a conscious creator of your own reality.2. The course is video based.3. You will learn by watching the videos and follow the actions steps for each law.4. The course material contains background video, introductory videos, videos for each of the 12 laws as well as a summary video for the whole course. 5. You will also get access to a free e-book supporting the course content. The e-book is all about subconscious programming: Unlock The Power of Your SubConscious Mind.6. Some of the video sessions are also available as audio files – mp3 files.7. Taking this cours will change your life for the better since you will “know the rules to the game”. Most people don´t know about these laws so taking this course will help become a conscious creator of your own reality and a conscious co-creator of the world. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life - online training


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